Irretrievably Broken by Irma Fritz

July 27, 2009 at 10:48 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , )


Irretrievably Broken


Irretrievably Broken
By Irma Fritz

Irma Fritz has taken all the frailties of the human spirit and woven them into a story that pulls the reader into the lives of Nora, Ruth, Bettina, Mary and others.
Nora, Ruth and Bettina the twelve year old niece and granddaughter who is going on thirty set off on a cross country trip. Even though it is a vacation of sorts, it becomes a trip down memory lane. A Trip which takes the women to places in their minds that have not been traveled for many years.
Nora relives her now defunct marriage – her mother Ruth comes to terms with a murder witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany. Bettina the twelve year old learns life’s lessons and the fact that life is always just life. That it is what one choses to do with their life that matters, no matter what is thrown at them.
Irma interwined these women’s lives with those they come in contact with on their journey. They learn forgivness of self and others – tolerance and the true meaning of loving- especially one’s self.
This is a five star book about the human spirit.
Yvonne Mason, Author

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